Travelling with Nanak is to feel the presence of those gurdwaras at every step of the journey.
Travelling with Nanak is to actually manifest Bhai Gurdas's words "Jithe Baba pair dhare puja asan thapan soa (wherever Baba sets foot that is a place of worship)."
Travelling on Nanak's Udasis' route is to be in continuous worship of Nanak.
Travelling with Baba Nanak on his journeys is not to reach any destination. Here the journey itself is to be the destination.
Travelling with Nanak is to surrender to his presence step by step so that at some point of the journey you yourself rise above the distinction of Hindu, Musalman, Sikh rather than merely remember his words "Na ko Hindu na Musalman...(There is no Hindu, no Muslim)".
Travelling with Nanak will be an endeavour to merge with the vision of Nanak step by step so that then when you will encounter any Mandir, Masjid, Gurdwara on the way you will immediately recognise it to be of the same One God only differing in name.
Travelling with Nanak will be to finally come home to the Nanak within and thus do away with the need of any jounrneys outside.

Note: Photo of Guru Nanak's khadave(wooden sandals) above courtsey
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