Wherever he went he mesmerised people with his messages of "All Humanity is One" and "There is only One God for all only differeing in Name" conveyed through various means such as singing of songs, story-telling and situational dramatics.
Given the present noise of "clash of civilisations," remembering his Travels and through them his message of "All Humnity is One" is a dire need of the times. And there will be no better way to do this than to put the Travels on the tourism map of the world. Though to be done in parts, Humanity then will have 28000 kms to travel with Guru Nanak and in the process really soak-in his message.
Writing about the Travels and eventually putting them on the tourism map of the world is the endeavour of this blog.
1. For the purposes of routes followed by Guru Nanak though I will consult all the available literature in the form of various Janamsakhis and specially the 2004 edition of the book "Atlas -Travels of Guru Nanak" authored by Fauja Singh and Kirpal Singh and published by Publication Bureau, Punjabi University Patiala. For the final outcome I too will leave it to the "khasam (Lord/Master)" for, ultimately all is 'His' work and less one plans it with one's smaller self the better.
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